This Course Was Developed With the Intention That You Will Leave it Feeling Empowered as an OT
Disclaimer for Occupational Therapy and Executive Function of the Teen and Young Adult by Achieve Life OT & PT PLLC
Educational Purpose Only: The content provided in this course, including all text, graphics, images, and other material, is intended for educational purposes only. This course is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or learned in this course.
No Guaranteed Results: The strategies, tips, and tools provided in this course are based on Achieve Life OT & PT PLLC’s professional experience and knowledge. However, we cannot guarantee any specific results or outcomes as a result of implementing the strategies discussed. Your success depends on various factors, including your background, dedication, and motivation.
No Client-Professional Relationship: Participation in this course does not create a client-professional relationship between any instructor, including Jusitn Lundstedt, and the participant. This course does not provide personalized advice or coaching.
Intellectual Property Rights: All content in this course, including videos, worksheets, text, and other materials, is the exclusive property of [Your Business/Your Name] and is protected under copyright and intellectual property laws. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of the course materials is strictly prohibited.
Limitation of Liability: Achieve Life OT & PT PLLC] and any instructors or affiliates will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of or in connection with your access to, or use of, the course materials.
Health and Safety Disclaimer: This course may include references to physical activities, exercises, or therapeutic practices. Before engaging in any new exercise regimen or therapy practice, consult with a healthcare professional to ensure it is appropriate for your specific health needs.
Modification of Course Content: Achieve Life OT 7 PT PLLC reserves the right to update, change, or replace any part of these course materials without prior notice.
Copyright Policy and Originality Assurance Process
Policy Statement:
Achieve Life OT & PT PLLC is committed to upholding copyright laws and ensuring that all materials presented to students, participants, and the public are original and adhere to intellectual property rights. This policy outlines the procedures and guidelines for maintaining originality and copyright compliance in all educational and instructional materials.
- Originality Assurance:
1.1 Achieve Life OT & PT PLLC is responsible for ensuring that the materials presented to clients, whether in-person or online, are original and do not infringe upon the copyright of others.
1.2 Any use of third-party materials, including but not limited to images, videos, text, and audio, must be properly attributed, with permission obtained where necessary.
- Copyright Process:
2.1 Material Review and Approval:
All materials intended for presentation will be reviewed by Justin Lundstedt, OTR/L prior to dissemination.
Justin Lundstedt, OTR/L will assess the originality of the materials and verify that proper permissions have been obtained for any third-party content used.
2.2 Plagiarism Check:
All materials will undergo a plagiarism check to ensure that they are original and do not match existing copyrighted content.
2.3 Attribution and Permissions:
If third-party content is included, instructors must provide proper attribution as per copyright guidelines.
If permission is required for the use of copyrighted material, it must be obtained prior to releasing the product.
2.4 Documentation:
Achieve Life OT & PT PLLC will maintain a record of all submitted materials, plagiarism checks, permissions obtained, and communication related to copyright compliance.
- Consequences of Non-Compliance:
3.1 Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary actions, including but not limited to verbal/written warnings, suspension of teaching privileges, and legal consequences for copyright infringement.
3.2 Repeat violations may lead to termination of employment or partnership with Achieve Life OT & PT PLLC
- Educational and Training Efforts:
4.1 If applicable, Achieve Life OT & PT PLLC will provide regular training and resources to instructors and content creators to educate them about copyright laws, fair use, and proper attribution practices.
- Reporting Copyright Concerns:
5.1 Students and participants are encouraged to report any concerns regarding potential copyright violations in educational materials to Justin Lundstedt, OTR/L
5.2 Achieve Life OT & PT PLLC will promptly investigate reported concerns and take appropriate actions to address them.
This policy is subject to periodic review and updates by Achieve Life OT & PT PLLC
to ensure alignment with current copyright laws and best practices.
By purchasing and participating in this course, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by this disclaimer.